I found myself doing chores and running errands on the weekend and realized that’s really my time off! I had to find a way to re-purpose my weekdays so that I can enjoy the weekends with my family again. I had to make my days intentional and so I came up with a weekly schedule that allowed for me to do just that.
(This day is for our big weekly load that gets done and folded that same day! It can vary depending on the need and size of the family but for my family of four, it worked for us!)
Yard Work
(This day was when my husband would mow the lawn, me pull out weeds from our landscaping, trimming the bushes, etc.)
Grocery & Errands
(This day was set aside for grocery shopping and to run any errands to grab supplies for the following week as needed. Sometimes we didn’t need groceries or to run errands so it was a rest day sometimes.)
Deep Cleaning
(This day from start to finish is dedicated solely to deep cleaning. I start by cleaning the bathrooms and then work my way out to the bedrooms and finish in the main living areas. I vacuum or set the robot vacuum to do it and then I mop. I always try to clean the kitchen counters and reset every room before bed each night so the place is refreshed for me the next day. I’ll go more into what my deep cleaning looks like as that’s another blog on its own.)
Enjoy time with my family.
This is how I escaped doing chores and running errands by maximizing my weekdays so I can maximize my weekends.
Despite what others tell you that if you’re not rich or a millionaire yet that you shouldn’t be taking weekends off, I’m here to tell you to take the weekends off and spend it with your family. You can always make money but you can’t always make memories. I respect the hustle but my respect for my family is higher. The hustle already has you from Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm, let it take no more from you. Life is so much more than becoming rich because my family makes me feel rich. That’s more than enough for me.
Thank you for reading and God bless you!
Melissa Lee