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Minimalism With A Child

Some people have asked me if I have been able to maintain my frugal and minimal lifestyle after having a baby. The answer is – absolutely YES! This is the best time to practice this lifestyle by proving that your child doesn’t need much either. Now, before you start to feel bad for my child because he may seem “deprived”, I assure you that’s not the case. My child doesn’t have an understanding of the value of money and what is a toy and isn’t. He is just as happy with a plastic spoon as compared to any other toy. Children find temporary happiness in toys but they definitely get bored of them quickly. This is why I do not have a lot of toys for my child.

Teaching your child that less is more is the plan. I’m more about adventures and the experiences to be had such as the aquarium, the zoo, etc. These are the things to live for and it’ll show your child that quality time is the best time. This is better than having to clean up tons of toys that are on the ground. Less toys means less picking up. I always pick up before I leave the baby room and it takes me less than 30 seconds. This helps with not cluttering the ground and room and you have a fresh start the next time you enter the room.

What Do I Have?

I always have the essentials for my baby and a few toys. I have a jumper that he is on once or maybe twice a week, we spend most of the day with motor and developmental skills. I have the minimum and I have no regrets.

What Don’t I Have?

I don’t have a mamaroo, a walker, a glider, a bassinet, a sit up seat, a toy pen, etc. for my child. Most of those items are not recommended by pediatricians and if I did, the babies grow out of them very quickly. 

This blog is not to shame anyone who has or doesn’t have any of those things, it’s just to show that we can do and are probably better off without them. Those things do nothing but bring clutter into our home and our mind. Always think: less is more!

Is this sustainable when they get older? The answer is always absolutely! Keep the toys to a minimum of 10-15 toys and if they buy a new one, they’ll have to donate one of the old ones to charity. It’s not about stripping toys away from children but allowing them to have a few toys and be happy with what they have or else they’ll always be wanting.

I have included photos of my baby room and what it all consists of. 

Yours Truly,

Melissa Lee